April Ng is a artist known for her printmaking
works which are simple but yet, a sense of energy exuberates from the simplicity. Movements and forms are captured excellently in the layering of chromatic and rich textures of the printmaking process Her works convey a sense of calm and meditative silence. Correspondingly, her imagined landscapes also show the exploration of the nature investigation and critique. She has exhibited extensively through solo and grou shows in the UK, Norway, Portugal, Macau, Korea and Malaysia. She is the recipient of the Honorable Mention Award, Phillip Morris Group of Companies Singapore Art Award (2001) and her works are individual and corporate collections both local and overseas. Ng has works commissioned by the RSAF (Singapore) and she is one of the artists selected by the Land Transport Authority (Singapore) for the North East Line MRT Art in Transit series. Email: [email protected] |